Horse Buying Tips

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Why you need to read this e-booklet BEFORE buying your first (or next) horse.

Buying your first horse is exciting.  But, it can also be a confusing and stressful endeavor.  A search on any online equine classified site results in loads of horses of every breed, discipline, age and price range.

Buying a horse is a lot like buying a used car.

It`s exciting.

It`s a large financial investment.

It requires research, some experienced help and smart buying strategies to make a purchase you`ll be happy with.

But buying a horse involves an emotional investment on top of the financial one, and the commitment of caring for an animal for many years.

So, while the prospect of buying a horse is exciting, it can also be overwhelming.

If you are one of the growing number of people now choosing to become a horse owner, the information in ‘Guide to Buying Your First Horse: 92 Tips Essential Tips to Help You Find and Buy Your Dream Horse’ can save you time, money and frustration.

After all, you want to make sure you buy the horse that is right for you and ensure you are the right owner for the horse.

Buying the wrong horse can be devastating – emotionally, financially and even physically.

If you want to buy a horse that will be your partner for a long time, this e-booklet can help you.

The most important thing to consider when buying a horse is that he fits your level of experience, skill and confidence.

But all too often, emotions affect our buying decisions.

Tip #41 – If the horse`s behaviour is very quiet, check that he is paying attention and has some interest in the people and activities around him.  Horses who seem very stoic (unresponsive, not blinking, not interacting, appear aloof) may be emotionally shut down or may have been drugged to appear calm.

There are tips in the e-booklet that help you look past the emotional stuff so that you know what to look for in the horse’s behaviour to can determine if he will be a good fit.

If you want to learn about the best strategies you can use when trying a horse, this e-booklet can help you.

A horse may behave differently at home and when being ridden by someone he knows than he will in an unfamiliar place with someone he doesn’t know.

Some sellers know how to disguise or gloss over a horse’s bad habits or health problems. 

Tip #23 – Be aware that descriptions given in ads are not always accurate.  If the ad describes the horse as ‘good to load, clip, shoe and hacks well’, ask to see the horse do all those things.  If it’s true and you are seriously considering buying the horse, the seller should be willing to show you how the horse behaves under these conditions – even if it means coming back for more than one visit.

There are more tips in the e-booklet that help you know what to watch for and what to do when you visit the seller and try a horse you’re considering buying.

If you want to know what expenses to plan for during the purchasing process, this e-booklet can help you.

You’ve budgeted for the purchase price of a horse.  But, are you prepared for other expenses?

Tip #3 –    Make a budget – There are expenses beyond the purchase price when buying a horse. Make sure to plan for retail sales tax, veterinary exam, commissions to an agent (or your coach) and trailering from the seller to the farm where you’ll be keeping your horse.  Be prepared to have to buy new blankets and tack – even if this is not your first horse.

There are more tips in the e-booklet that help you  prepare for the true cost of purchasing a horse.

I know how heart breaking it can be when someone has bought the wrong horse.  My business is working with people who have lost their confidence or have behavioural and training issues with their horses.

Very often it’s the first time horse owner, the first-time-in-a-long-time owner, or the person with a new horse that replaced one they had partnered with for a very long time who thought they had bought the horse of their dreams … but have ended up in a night mare.

That’s why I wrote this e-booklet.  To help people just like you make better decisions during your horse buying journey.

Whether you intend to ride in an arena, on the trails or participate in shows, you want to buy a horse that suits your temperament, riding abilities and riding goals for many years – perhaps even a life time.

The tips and strategies in ‘Guide to Buying Your First Horse‘ can help you make smart choices AND make your buying experience a good one.

Buying the right horse for you is essential for ensuring a happy future for both you and your horse.

Click to get this ebooklet now from Amazon.

It’s an instant download available in Kindle format.  

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